Thursday, May 14, 2020
Analysis Of America Call For A New National Identity ...
Urban Patriotism Patriotism is not something that you see a lot of in Urban Communities. A lot of urban homes don’t teach their children about being patriotic. Many believe this is still a â€Å"white man’s country†In the Article â€Å"Urban Perspective: Flag –waving and Patriotism Far From the Whole Truth; Part 1†Author Larry Aubry a longtime community activist he believes that a lot of Black Americans have mixed feelings about patriotism due to the past and present treatment of African Americans in America. America gives off the perception that the house with the white picket fence, dog and two kids is the â€Å"American Dream†. In fact many people in urban communities don’t even own their homes. In the Article â€Å"Reinventing America Call for a New National Identity†by Elizabeth Martinez she believes that â€Å"White America†makes us believe they settled America for all people. In reality that is not true because the Native American had already settled here. Patriotism is something that I hope to see being instilled in the next generation of urban youth, but not force upon them. David Noise who is an author and activist tells us in his article â€Å"Is American Patriotism Getting Out of hand†he believes that patriotism is something that should not be force to the point that it causes a division it should be something that brings us together as a whole. Sept 11th was a tragic event where patriotism for our country brought us all together as one. I believe in the future we will see a change inShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Exceptionalism On The United States944 Words  | 4 PagesExceptionalism is neither new, as explained above, nor exclusive to the United States. Several historical actors, such as Great Britain, France and the former Soviet Union claimed exceptionalist ideas (Ignatieff, 2005; Holsti, 2010). 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